Thursday, April 11, 2013

I. Am. Exhausted.

You would think that ten hours of sleep and a two hour nap would make me feel alive, but nope. I know that when you get too much sleep it makes you feel groggy but this isn't the case for me. I am so exhausted and I know it is purely from stress. 
This pretty much sums up my week. I have been trying so hard to be calm and joyful but the stresses of life has left me alone with the muggles. It is the strangest feeling being 100% alone. I am financially dependent on myself, and this freaks me out. Another thing that freaks me out is that I am so far away from "home" yet there is nothing left for me there. So in this case I just have to remind myself that home is where the ocean is. Because if it is not at the ocean, I don't know where it is. 

Lastly, because of the muggles, I have eaten so much chocolate today and maybe some pie and ice cream... so I'm curious to see if I have made any progress this week when I weigh in tomorrow morning. I sure hope I have.

Maybe I will be little frolicking leaper over here on the left and all my fat will be magically gone. But I have my doubts. Anyways, progress will be posted tomorrow. But until then... I'm off.


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