Friday, April 19, 2013

Book list, fitness goals, and small venting spree

I am creating a list of books that I need to read and here it is:

-Great Gatsby (half way through for the second time), Scott S. Fitzgerald
-The Problem of Pain, C.S. Lewis
-The Wedding, Nicholas Sparks
-To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
-Perks of Being a Wallflower, Stephen Chbosky
-The Fault in Our Stars, John Green
-The Giver (to reread), Lewis Lower
-Fifty Shades of Grey, E.L. James
-Jesus Burgers, Jason Lomelino

..there are many other books I could keep adding to this list but I am going to start with these nine for now. That should be plentaaaayy.

I quickly learned that a very strict diet and moderate excersize isn't for me. I like to eat. Healthy? Yes I believe I make good decisions, but I like to eat a lot and I really love dessert. So with this I am going to continue to eat healthy and try to cut down where I can but meanwhile I am going to start marathon training. Yes marathon training. I have run a half marathon before but I am going to just go for the real thing. I have been putting training off for awhile because I wanted a friend to run it with me but I do not have any running buddies around me so all I have to say is solong to procrastination and hello to running. Here is the schedule that I am going to follow and I will update how it actually goes. I believe in myself because I truly do love running and I need a commitment like this that will leave me with fulfillment.

To be honest 26 weeks is a bit long for me but I really like the set up of this plan so lets see how it goes! I am actually very very exciting, I am going to stick to it this time and it is going to happen!

As for venting, I am going to keep it short and sweet and just say life is a struggle and so are relationships. I currently am so disapointed by my family (what is new?), annoyed with my friends, and sadly..well.. lonely. Anyways, I shouldn't even be complaining. I do love my life and all the imperfection that comes with it but I am just really exhausted from the daily struggles of it all.. for now, night night.

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